Small Groups

Glad For Weaknesses

Merlin Miller shares another devotional message from our time of separation due to Covid-19, this time from 2 Corinthians 12:9 titled Glad for weaknesses. Though none of us like things that reveal our weaknesses, the Bible exhorts us to take an “upside down” view of those things, realizing that God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness.

Video Version Here:

Look To The Unseen

Merlin Miller shares the second devotional message in the midst of everyone being quarantined. This time the focus is how what we see around us is very real, & difficult, but in the scope of an all-powerful God and the reality of eternity, it is a light momentary affliction that is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory. Can we see it that way? Are we looking to the unseen?

Video Version Here: